Coming soon: Resurrection Diaries 10th Anniversary Serialized Edition

As I’m celebrating the 10th anniversary of my first published book this year, I decided I would open it up and take a nostalgic look at it. I almost recoiled in horror at all my editing mistakes. Yikes! I guess you can learn a lot, maybe even become a better writer, in ten years, but I was surprised on how far I think I have come. So, in the spirit of that, I thought I would go back and try to “fix” some things and in a sense create a tenth anniversary edition.
The original book, Resurrection Diaries, is still available in free digital editions for the nook, kindle, and Apple devices. If you wish, go to the appropriate online retailer and download it. Please leave a review if you do. That’s always helpful. But if you’d rather wait for the “new, improved” version, then I will be posting it here as a serial in the days ahead. Now, just so you know, I don’t plan on changing anything within the plot, only fixing editorial mistakes, so no matter which one you read, you will get essentially the same story. That’s the plan anyway. 
A few things about the story before we start, so you’ll have some idea what to expect. First off, the story itself centers around a haunted church and is written in diary style with separate entries for each day. The narrator’s name is Paul (I didn’t have to think too hard about that one) and though the entries vary in length, they are still short enough to provide an ease of reading. Feel free to comment on any aspect of the story as I move along, whether it’s plot, mechanics, or editing. No writer is an island, so all interactions with readers are graciously accepted. 
Well, I hope you will choose to join me in my nostalgic look at my very first long form story. Though it was published in November 2007, some of its ideas and plot date back even years earlier. If anything, maybe this will be a good example of a writer just starting out and trying to find his voice. 
PS another reason I’m taking a turn at blogging something that has already been written is that I want to keep my blog somewhat active as I prepare to be a father again. We are less a month away from bringing our second child into the world. 🙂
Hope you enjoy and see you soon.

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